18 October 2008

3 down, 2 more to go. GRANDMA TAKE ME HOME!

I am gravely sorry, for I have yet to post an entry into my illustrious blog since around Thanksgiving. It's just that yours truly has been studying for mid-terms and what not (along with stressing and having a mid-life crisis). Today is Saturday and it's already nearly 5pm I took today off to "study" but what have I been doing? Watching Youtube (specifically the videos of myself performing covers on my bass guitar ;) ). As of late I've been trying to learn Under My Skin by ART-SCHOOL, because it was requested and I have the score for it. That song has a sick ass bass riff that I can listen to forever. Any fans of Nirvana? There's this one song that has been on MAJOR HEAVY ROTATION since last night, Sliver. I love that song, the power chords have never sound so good and Kurt Cobain's aggressive vocals during the second half of the song makes the composition that much more potent. Such passion.

This past week, I had the ACC100 mid-term, SOC202 and MGT400. Ironically, I studied so much and the most for ACC100 and it was the mid-term that i struggled with the most, while the other two I think I did well in, but did not study as much for. Now I have to reread 5 chapters and prepare myself for the mid-term I have for MHR405, I hate that class it's like the most boring class in the world seriously. Then I have a proposal due Friday for ITM100 (another boring ass class). As for ITM100 the mid-term for that course is next Monday not the one coming up. I haven't even touched the book for that class yet, I seriously need to take school seriously especially when it's costing money. Damn tuition is hurting my family financially. THEY NEED TO DROP TUITION FEES! FUCKEN HARPER BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! This is all so stressing -_-

Lately I've been thinking of transferring schools next year, Ryerson isn't really giving me the excitement I had sought out for in university. But, then again it's too early to say because I'm only halfway through the first semester of my first year. I'm hoping next semester will be much better. I swear I should've went somewhere far from home for university. Ryerson is too far and takes long to travel from home. Like sometimes the time I take to go to school and back home is actually longer than the actual class I have for the day! I've been thinking or going to York and I sound like a hypocrite saying this because, last year when deciding where to go I was laughing at the thought of going to York, and I apologize to all the York students out there. Going to York would be a lot more convenient for me and a lot less stress. Plus I hear York has like the hottest girls ;p. I've been to york before, it's really a nice place, it's like its own town. Very large and spacious, filled with a lot of people. Oh well, I'm not really sure what to do yet. I just gotta make sure I do well on my mid-terms and ultimately achieve an 80 average so I can still get that yearly scholarship. See ya!

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