25 November 2008


I had all day off and what did I do? Absolutely nothing. I should have worked on my 12 page report due by Friday, but noooo I was sleeping and eating. At least I washed my bed sheets, washed my pillows, dusted my room, and got a substantial amount of time with my guitars; that reminds me my guitar string broke yet again! I just bought these set of strings last month what the hell man.

So it turns out I like jazz, or at least I believe it's jazz. I'm listening to this band called SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS. They're Japanese obviously or else I wouldn't listened to them. Don't ask where I heard of them, I just saw their name from some where... I think Hinata Hidekazu started a side project with SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS or something. But yeah, I got a chance to get (download ): ) their music and I did because I was curious of what they sounded like. Anybody working with Hinata Hidekazu must be good right? Right. I was instantly captured by their jazz sound. The drums and horns, I like ;) Right now I'm on to the fourth track (intro included)....sorry the sixth track (I just opened iTunes to check). Listeners should be aware that there are no vocals just pure organic sounding off from the instruments in composition. So far so good. If only I had money, I'd buy their CDs along with many other bands.

Holiday season is jsut around the corner and I'm waiting on my bank to see if I am eligible for their Student credit card. Once I'm able to get my hands on that I'll be able to shop online >=)
I've been thinking a lot lately, about a whole lot of shit not just Christmas. I get this feeling it's going to be another lonely break if you know what I'm saying. Exams just around the corner and my cousin from Vietnam is getting married on the 13th and I can't even fly half-way around the world to see it ):

Why is it that it's this time around that's the time where one does not want to be alone? Is it due to media? Is it because that society is sucked into the media's portrayal of the good life? Why isn't summer the time of the year where one shouldn't be alone or fall? What makes winter the ideal season to be in love? Is it just me asking these questions? I doubt it, if I'm able to think about this, then clearly so can a monkey. Is it one of those "just cause" things? Or has it somehow become a norm in society influenced by media through the acquisition of our consent? Honestly, had it not been for my sociology class I wouldn't have said what I've just mentioned above. For some reason I would like to be dating someone but why? Why do I feel like I'm obligated to find a girlfriend? Why does it bum me out that I am still single? Like most of my friends are single and based on the outside, being single doesn't bother them. Is it just me? Am I like "putting the pussy up on a pedestal" ? (40 Year Old Virgin reference) Or maybe it's due to the fact that I've never really dated someone and I want to experience it. Is it really what it seems? Is kissing the girl really that magical? Does making out really lead to something more enticing and arousing? Does holding her really make your heart warm? Or is it all a myth? Don't laugh I'm dead serious.

I really needed that venting, well not venting but yeah.

This winter break my goals and plans are:
  • Exercise (cardio mostly)
  • Get drunk with my older cousin
  • Work as much as possible to make that paper
  • Go to Montreal for a weekend or so
  • Go skiing
  • If possible a Nintendo DS w/ Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy IV
  • New bass amp along with other guitar gears
  • Meet up with TEAM TERRIBLE (I'll fill you in on this some other time)
  • LCD monitor
  • RAM, external hard drive, and wireless router
Luckily for me, I get about 3 weeks off! I hope all my shifts will be in the evening that way I can sleep in. I'm planning to turn my basement in to a somewhat studio so that I can jam with others in. It's going to take me a while but it's a project I am willing to invest in. Music is love.

Peace and kudos.

1 comment:

M.onu said...

I think I know exactly what you mean. I've been "craving" a girlfriend for the longest time and although I've had a first kiss and all that I can't say I feel anymore empowered or able to get a girl than I was before (many people, or maybe it was just me, think/thought that after getting past that step I would be comfortable around 'em)... I also don't think it's anything to do with feeling obligated to have a girlfriend. I genuinely think that you WANT a girlfriend; you crave that type of attachment to another person. Also, don't think those guys that are single aren't bothered by it. I guarantee many of 'em would like a girlfriend... In any case, gimme a call when you're on break, since I'll probably still be on strike then and we can chill sometime (I'm serious tho', not just sayin' let's chill just to bail after).